Saturday, October 22, 2005

Reorg in Singapore!

In my last post, I said I was going to have a free day on Monday before leaving Singapore and heading back for Bangkok. That I was supposed to be in Singapore, slaving my ass off, for only a weekend. That I was going to have a leisurely stroll along Orchard Road before heading to the airport.

Apparently, plans can change during reorg.

My original 3 day stay has turned into a 9 day work day. I have changed my flight twice, panicked about clothes to wear (thank God I brought enough to last me at least 6 days) and silently contemplated the fact that I barely had enough money with me to tide me over for a week.

So my relaxing monday morning turned out to be a 12 hour work marathon, I checked out of my room and due to lack of space, I had to temporarily move in with a colleague kind enough to offer her own room. And I have to face the prospect of not having a weekend for two consecutive weekends.

And Shanghai boy! I was never even able to say goodbye to him. He sent an email expressing his sadness over our failure to meet prior to his leaving. But alas! Our paths were not destined to cross at this point in time. Perhaps fate has decreed that we have had our moment and that no matter how brief that span of time, it will have to be enough for now...

But apart from the marathon work schedule, things are great here in Singapore. I moved to a new room. There was still the smell of ajas in the morning, but I can withstand bursts of smells. I get free breakfast for three days and I have cable...sort of. I mean, at least I get to watch sitcoms and the OC and CSI. And working here is great for my self esteem. I have recently been fighting doubts about my ABAP skills and secretly dread being massacred during our annual review with my boss. But at least for a week, I feel like I know my ABAP. hehe. They have problems here, I troubleshoot, they are happy and I stop from being paranoid-manic-depressive about my career. For a week anyway. I can get back to worrying about that when I am back in Bangkok. I get free laundry done as well (which is just fortunate because I have run out of clothes) And I was informed I will be back here two more times this month. Of course that means work(a lot of it from the looks of things) and not sightseeing. But then who cares right? I love riding airplanes. hahaha. especially those which offer movies I haven't seen yet. :)

For the two days where we went home before 12 midnight (an achievement in itself), we went to Orchard Road where I specifically requested I wanted to see Lucky Plaza. :P I have always been curious about this Filipino enclave in Singapore and I want to see what is inside. I wanted to see as well if they have Jollibee or at least anything Filipino. Lucky Plaza fell short of my expectations actually. No great big huddles of Filipinos in groups, no tagalog or cebuano words thrown around the room and no Filipino restaurants! It's funny though how my companions were actually very nervous to be in Lucky Plaza and wanted to get out as soon as my curiousity was appeased. :P I found out later that a chop chop body of a Filipino maid (chopped by a fellow Filipino) was found at the back of this small mall, which now made the place kind of creepy in my mind. Anyhow, we proceeded to the other malls like Takashimaya (tama ba) etc, trying to look for Charles and keith and other stalls.

The other day, we rode in this sort of luxury cab. Its appearance was like one of those big black cabs in the early 70's or 60's. It was white, very spacious inside and with a glass separating us from the driver (with a button which we can push if we want our conversations heard by the driver or not). We were a bit hesitant to take a ride in the cab. It looked too posh we might be charged for extra. Turns out, it was ordinary cab fare. hehehe. So we rode in style to the office.

Tomorrow is trip back to Bangkok. I'm thinking of taking the MRT to the airport, just for kicks. I am sure I won't get lost along the way, right? ...right? hehehe.

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